Top 5 Influential Female SEO Experts to Follow

SEO Experts

Search Engine Optimization is a field with many problems, and the difference between men and women is one of them. Even though SEO has always been male-dominated, many talented women have set the bar for success with their skills. Let us look at five of these amazing women who have helped us get better at search engine optimization.

Marie Haynes

She first worked as a veterinarian, which she loved. She learned about SEO because of a back problem that kept her in bed for a while. She has not looked back since then! She owns Marie Haynes Consulting and knows a lot about SEO, especially Google Penalties and Technical SEO.

She helps her clients find things in their area and get their sites back after they have been fined. Her blog and Twitter account are full of search-related articles, podcast episodes, and live tweets from events. Our favorites are the “Search News You Can Use” weekly news roundups.

Violet Ray

She is currently the SEO Director at Path Interactive and is the perfect example of someone who can do many things simultaneously. During the day, she works as a digital marketer, and at night, she is a DJ. She grew up in a family with a lot of knowledge about technology, which is why she was good with computers. Before she decided to study Social Media Marketing and SEO, she studied Politics and Spanish (a minor).

She started working at a startup but quickly moved to the agency world, where she set up a successful SEO department that did great work for big clients. She has worked in retail, e-commerce, business-to-business, and other fields. She is very interested in algorithm updates and solving complex SEO puzzles.

Helen Pollitt

Helen is the managing director of Arrows Up, a company that helps businesses with SEO and digital training. She gives companies hands-on training and SEO skills to help them build their digital marketing teams and successes. She used to be a generalist marketer, but machine learning and the psychology of user intent were more attractive to her.

She works on things that are digital and analytical. She speaks at SEO conferences often and has done so at Women in Tech SEO, Search Leeds, SMZ London, Brighton SEO, and other events in the field. She also writes for Search Engine Journal and State of Digital, two other online sites.

Julie Joyce

She started the link-building company Link Fish Media in North Carolina and helped create SEO Chicks. Before she fell in love with SEO in 2002, she was in charge of an SEO team at a small IT company. She is also in order of operations, and on social media, she has built a strong community with more than 14,000 followers. She also delivers the keynote address at domestic conferences like the west palm beach SEO conference and other international SEO conferences.

Because she knew what she was doing and was focused on growth, she was able to lead her SEO-centered team to great results. She often writes for publications such as Search Engine Land, Journal, and Search Marketing Gurus.

Aleyda Solis

Aleyda might be one of the most inspiring women in the SEO industry. She is the owner of Orainti and an expert in international SEO. She also gives the keynote speech at most SEO conferences around the world.

She is a big believer in sharing her SEO knowledge with the world, and she has done so by writing for most online publications, such as Search Engine Journal, Search Engine Land, Moz, and many more. She has also written a book called “The Essential Keys to SEO.”


So, there you have it: five women who work in SEO and have done incredible things in their careers. These global titans got where they are by being very ambitious and driven by their goals, as well as by working hard and being dedicated. In Florida, west palm beach seo are well known for their excellent work in improving search engine optimization. We can all use these traits to improve our chances of success.

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